7 research outputs found

    An Aggregate MapReduce Data Block Placement Strategy for Wireless IoT Edge Nodes in Smart Grid

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    Big data analytics has simplified processing complexity of large dataset in a distributed environment. Many state-of-the-art platforms i.e. smart grid has adopted the processing structure of big data and manages a large volume of data through MapReduce paradigm at distribution ends. Thus, whenever a wireless IoT edge node bundles a sensor dataset into storage media, MapReduce agent performs analytics and generates output into the grid repository. This practice has efficiently reduced the consumption of resources in such a giant network and strengthens other components of the smart grid to perform data analytics through aggregate programming. However, it consumes an operational latency of accessing large dataset from a central repository. As we know that, smart grid processes I/O operations of multi-homing networks, therefore, it accesses large datasets for processing MapReduce jobs at wireless IoT edge nodes. As a result, aggregate MapReduce at wireless IoT edge node produces a network congestion and operational latency problem. To overcome this issue, we propose Wireless IoT Edge-enabled Block Replica Strategy (WIEBRS), that stores in-place, partition-based and multi-homing block replica to respective edge nodes. This reduces the delay latency of accessing datasets for aggregate MapReduce and increases the performance of the job in the smart grid. The simulation results show that WIEBRS effective decreases operational latency with an increment of aggregate MapReduce job performance in the smart grid

    Lysine Acetylation Facilitates Spontaneous DNA Dynamics in the Nucleosome

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    Lysine Acetylation Facilitates Spontaneous DNA Dynamics in the Nucleosome

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    The nucleosome, comprising a histone protein core wrapped around by DNA, is the fundamental packing unit of DNA in cells. Lysine acetylation at the histone core elevates DNA accessibility in the nucleosome, the mechanism of which remains largely unknown. By employing our recently developed hybrid single molecule approach, here we report how the structural dynamics of DNA in the nucleosome is altered upon acetylation at histone H3 lysine 56 (H3K56) that is critical for elevated DNA accessibility. Our results indicate that H3K56 acetylation facilitates the structural dynamics of the DNA at the nucleosome termini that spontaneously and repeatedly open and close on a ms time scale. The results support a molecular mechanism of histone acetylation in catalyzing DNA unpacking whose efficiency is ultimately limited by the spontaneous DNA dynamics at the nucleosome temini. This study provides the first and unique experimental evidence revealing a role of protein chemical modification in directly regulating the kinetic stability of the DNA packing unit

    AI-Oriented Smart Power System Transient Stability: The Rationality, Applications, Challenges and Future Opportunities

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    Nowadays, the power grid has become an active colossal resource generation and management system due to the wide use of renewable energy and dynamic workloads processed through intelligent information and communication technologies. Several new operations exist, such as power electrification, intelligent information integration on the physical layer, and complex interconnections in the smart grid. These procedures use data-driven deep learning, big data, and machine learning paradigms to efficiently analyze and control electric power system transient problems and resolve technical issues with robust accuracy and timeliness. Thus, artificial intelligence (AI) has become vital to address and resolving issues related to transient stability assessment (TSA) and control generation. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive review on the role of AI and its sub-procedures in addressing problems in TSA. The workflow of the article includes an AI-based intelligent power system structure along with power system TSA and AI-application rationality to transient situations. Outperforms other reviews, this paper discusses the AI-based TSA framework and design process along with intelligent applications and their analytics in power system transient problems. Moreover, we are not limited to AI, but we also combine the direction of big data that is highly compatible with AI, discusses future trends, opportunities, challenges, and open issues of AI-Big data based transient stability assessment in the smart power grid

    Single-Molecule Observation Reveals Spontaneous Protein Dynamics in the Nucleosome

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    Structural dynamics of a protein molecule is often critical to its function. Single-molecule methods provide efficient ways to investigate protein dynamics, although it is very challenging to achieve a millisecond or higher temporal resolution. Here we report spontaneous structural dynamics of the histone protein core in the nucleosome based on a single-molecule method that can reveal submillisecond dynamics by combining maximum likelihood estimation and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. The nucleosome, comprising ∼147 bp DNA and an octameric histone protein core consisting of H2A, H2B, H3, and H4, is the fundamental packing unit of the eukaryotic genome. The nucleosome imposes a physical barrier that should be overcome during various DNA-templated processes. Structural fluctuation of the nucleosome in the histone core has been hypothesized to be required for nucleosome disassembly but has yet to be directly probed. Our results indicate that at 100 mM NaCl the histone H2A–H2B dimer dissociates from the histone core transiently once every 3.6 ± 0.6 ms and returns to its position within 2.0 ± 0.3 ms. We also found that the motion is facilitated upon H3K56 acetylation and inhibited upon replacing H2A with H2A.Z. These results provide the first direct examples of how a localized post-translational modification or an epigenetic variation affects the kinetic and thermodynamic stabilities of a macromolecular protein complex, which may directly contribute to its functions